Thursday, March 12, 2009

Earth Science Picture of the Day

Christine Churchill

The photo above showing feathery cirrus clouds in an azure blue sky was captured over Northern California on October 8, 2008. Cirriform clouds are found at altitudes generally above about 20,000 ft (6,000 m) and are predominantly composed of small hexagonal ice crystals. Because these crystals are widely dispersed (winds are stronger in the upper atmosphere than they are near the surface), cirrus type clouds take on a fibrous appearance, and they tend to point in the direction the upper air winds are blowing. When cirrus clouds streak the sky, the weather beneath them is fair much more often than not.

The Praxis for Earth Science Ed

The Praxis Series: Teacher Licensure and Certification

The Praxis Series™ assessments provide educational tests and other services that states use as part of their teacher licensure and certification process. The Praxis I® tests measure basic academic skills, and the Praxis II® tests measure general and subject-specific knowledge and teaching skills.

For those that are juniors and higher, you need to be thinking about taking the Praxis for your majors and minors! It is up to you to find a time and place to take the test. Visit the Praxis website for information on dates available and pricing. 

The Praxis should be taken before you student teach and there are study guides available online and in the library for you to review with. If you have any questions you can post them under comments at the bottom of this message or if you do not have a blog, you can email me questions and I'll try my best to help!
